Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Defining Decade

omagod the pressure.  Ok, so I journal anyway.  It's just that you're supposed to have a "niche"... a "hook".  But your journal doesn't have a hook.  And you don't believe in hiding things.  So this is just a non-hidden journal.  No one has a niche when they start... it'll evolve.  Some people do.  Some people have a plan from the very beginning.  Michael Dell was selling those computers from his dorm in Jester when everyone else was like "omg noooo what if I didn't make the a capella liiiffeee is ooovvverrr" (me).

I say - whatever.

I'm writing this blog.  Because I'm hip and trendy and have things to say and I live in New York freaking City.  So, whatever.  I did decide that I think these three things: be honest, spread love, keep going.  So for now, that's my theme.

I'm reading a book called The Defining Decade.  It kind of says be more like Michael Dell and less like the college version of Drew.  I bet Meg Jay would say "that's definitely not what it is about" but whatever.  You read everything through the lens of your own experiences and your current situation, right? and that's what it's saying to me.  Your 20's are not 10 extra years that our generation has been gifted to dink around and "discover ourselves", which dinking around doesn't actually lead to.  Dinking around in your 20's just leads to your 30's when all your friends are married with babies and suddenly you actually have to make a decision about your life.

Take it or leave it, it's an interesting read.

So I've been making some decisions.  Not big ones, 'cuz those are hard, but small ones. Like: Drew.  You have this free gym membership - use it.  Decision. And: Drew.  You always talk about wanting to play! On a team! Come on guys let's play! Sign up for a volleyball team.  Decision.  The biggest one I've made lately (and by lately I mean last Sunday) is to Choose JoyThat's been the hardest one.  The last couple of weeks have been tough, and not innately joyful, so it's been hard.  But every morning on the subway, I thank Dumbledore (because I haven't yet figured out if it's God or the Universe or my Higher Self blah blah I go with Dumbledore for now) for everything I have.  Then I mentally walk through my upcoming day and anticipate any NON joyful moments and INTERCEPT!  How will I turn those feelings into JOY?  Because I get to choose that.

We'll see how long it lasts.  It's only been 5 days, but right now I feel like a joy-infusing ROCK STAR.

I'll keep ya posted,


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