Monday, May 6, 2013

Think Pink

I’m trying to be the kind of girl who wears “pop of color lipstick”.  It all started Friday when one of my co-workers was wearing this awesome red lipstick and said she was trying to be someone who wears red lipstick.  So now I’m trying to be that person, too.  I always tell my sister not to say she can’t “pull something off” because once you’re wearing it, you’re wearing it.  There are just people who wear “that” and people who don’t, and if you are wearing it and not apologizing for it, you’re pulling it off.  So I’m wearing pink lipstick today.  Like – PINK, ya’ll.  It’s 1986 and I just walked into an aerobics class pink.  I’m not quite “believing it” yet, but step one is putting it on so I’m starting there.  I do feel empowered though.  Like, ‘that’s RIGHT you’ll hold that door for me – my lips are PINK! HOLD that door! PINK!’  So, we’ll see.  Sometimes (most of the time) it's the little things, right?
In other news, my roommates and I moved apartments this weekend.  It’s still a mess, but we’re getting settled and getting excited.  Here’s a sneak peak.  I’m most excited about this mirror above my bed because Gabe and I screwed it into the BRICK WALL like GANGSTAS! BOOP BOOP HOOP YEAH! 

Also had a great conversation with a friend I haven’t talked to in a long time.  She had some great thoughts on relationships, commitment, general “how the hell do we establish ourselves” –es.  You know, same old J  More on that later.
I’ll let you know if the pink lips are a success.  Or if I get fired for resembling a hooker.
Keepin ya posted,
-          d

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